We’ll be holding our first Annual General Meeting on Thursday 27th July at The Beagle, Chorlton, starting at 8pm prompt. Tables are booked and available from 7pm, with some complimentary pizza available from 7.30pm on a first come, first served basis, donated by Nell’s.
If you wish to put yourself forward for any of the roles below, you can do so at the link below (especially if you are unable to attend and want to be considered), or submit your name at the meeting – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMY_X8O5t87gAhodyURtXYm-n4fjeOcZbRN5FF0avSlAGBrQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
As per item 7 on the agenda, if you are unable to attend and have any questions, please fill out the following form. Due to time constraints, all questions may not be asked if there is a large volume submitted. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe69_sfTkXqyxIGMuv5zyypilSPgevIFwGxkMM6o8-cXbjGkw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Minutes will be posted in the Union announcements chat in the days following the meeting.
Agenda –
- Welcome & 22/23 update
- Introduction and summary of the Union’s operations for 22/23
- Financial update from incumbent treasurer
- Q&A session for clarification on financial matters
- Appointment of Chair for the AGM
- Call for nominations for the position of Chair
- Voting for the new Chair via show of hands
- Announcement of the newly elected Chair
- Appointment of Vice Chair
- Call for nominations for the position of Vice Chair
- Voting for the new Vice Chair via show of hands
- Announcement of the newly elected Vice Chair
- Appointment of Secretary
- Call for nominations for the position of Secretary
- Voting for the new Secretary via show of hands
- Announcement of the newly elected Secretary
- Appointment of Treasurer
- Call for nominations for the position of Treasurer
- Voting for the new Treasurer via show of hands
- Announcement of the newly elected Treasurer
- Plans and Goals for the Upcoming Season
- Open discussion for initiatives and projects for the upcoming season including –
- Potential fundraising opportunities
- Potential charity initiatives
- Ways in which we can further work with the club
- Open discussion for initiatives and projects for the upcoming season including –
- Questions from Absent Members pertaining to the above
- Addressing pre-submitted questions from members unable to attend
- Responses provided by the committee members
- Any Other Business (AOB)
- Open floor for members to raise any additional matters not on the agenda
- Brief discussion and decision-making on relevant topics
- Closing Remarks
- Final remarks by the newly elected Chair
- Acknowledgments and appreciation for attendees and volunteers
- Date setting for the following meetings
- Adjournment
- Formal closure of the Annual General Meeting