Committee meeting 11th October – overview

In attendance: Matthew Durrant (chair), Ben Warner (vice-chair), Michael Coates (treasurer), Connor Lunn (vice-treasurer), Simon Miller, Simon Archer (secretaries)

The meeting was called to discuss:

Potential irect relations with the club
Following our recent statement and the club’s response, as well as other issues, the committee outlined a potential plan for working with the club in the future. This would include installing a club liaison, who would be tasked with building relations with the club committee. There was agreement that we need better clarity on what the club needs, the aims of the club in the medium term, and how our activities could assist in that. More on that role below.

Other roles outside of core committee

As was agreed at the AGM, there were roles outside of the committee that were agreed were needed. Some of these – Matchday activities coordinator, Social media lead, Fundraising lead already have people who have been functioning in similar roles over the past 12 months+, and these will be approached to fulfill these roles in the coming days. One other role flagged – bus & away travel coordinator is something that was agreed should be fulfilled by Simon Miller, given he is on the committee and would have the ability to quickly sign off on any bus expenditure if needed. Finally, the Club Liaison role is something that will have a job description written in the next few days, and will be advertised for once we have feedback from the Questionnaire (see below).


The committee agrees that, in order to properly represent our members, and to build a relationship with the club, it is imperative we get a temperature check on how our members feel as a whole. To that end, we have written a short survey for all Union members to fill out. This will be sent on the morning of October 12th, and will run until Monday 16th, with the committee to meet on the 17th to report back on these findings.

Protocol on votes / statements

The committee discussed protocol on votes and statements, following the Ashton United issue. The committee agreed that we were too slow to act, and that all of the committee will have access to the Union Announcements WhatsApp to speed up the process. The vote largely worked as it should, with the statement reflecting the vote of over half of Union members. This process will need to be formalised by the next AGM, but works as an interim solution.

Any Other Business

Bus to Barnoldswick just about broke even after sponsorship, but pricing may need looking at for any future journeys where demand isn’t overwhelming. Current committee roles and holders to be placed on the website within the next week.